RE:Toxic People: In the Family & The Guilt

Holiday Treats for $12

Red Velvet & Cream Cheese, German Chocolate & German Chocolate Frosting, Devils Food & Your Choice Frosting, Strawberry Short-Cake & Your Choice Frosting and Chocolate Turtle & Your Choice Frosting with or without Pecans In A Jar for $12 for that last minute Holiday Gift or just to Enjoy.

Song of the Day... "Feeling Good, Nina Simone"

My Christmas Wish List...

Happy Family

Plenty of Money

A Nice Town Home

A Tropical Vacation

A Loving Business-Minded Husband

A Nice Piece of Jewelry

My Hair done @ The Damn Salon #UrbanTwist

The 120 Palette #CoolTropical

Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret

Smells Sooo... Good #ILoveThisStuff

Santa I Have Been Such A Good Girl... ;)

Pics of My Natural Hair Journey...

People & Things that I am Thankful for:

Gods Favor Mercy & Guidance
Life Health & Strength
My Family DeRamus & Williams
My Hopes & Dreams
My Past & Future

Professors at the University of Phoenix
Inventors of the World Wide Web
My Natural Hair Community
My Twitter Followers who turned N2 Friends
Procter&Gamble 4 inventing Frebreze
Cococare Must have Lip Balm
Clorox Bleach
Dove 4 their Bath&Body products
JY Lamis
Victoria's Secret 4 EVERYTHING
Goodwill Industries

Ok I will Stop now... but I am Really Thankful for All of these things... :)

Term of the Day from

Private Equity Fund

A fund which invests its money in private equity, often in attempts to gain control over companies in order to restructure the company. When the fund gains control of a company, they will usually take the company off the market if it isn't private already, go through a multi-year restructuring process, and then relist the company on the stock market.

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Intellectual Tuesdays hosted by Extraordinary League.....Independent vs ...

Hello! The title of this post has been a HOT Topic in many households and among friends in the pass decade. We must admit that times have changed and the roles of the male and female have changed drastically. Listen to this video and give me your opinion and feedback on the topic...

Song of the Day... "Grown Folks by Choklate"

Song of the Day... "Who I Am"

SistaSense Shares 3 Things Blocking Your Business

This video has some Great and Real information!!! Follow me on my Blog and lets have some dialog into what is stopping or slowing you down from reaching your business goals. Trust me, as I am providing this information to you I am also applying these thing to my own personal journey.

Africa: Open For Business

Term of the Day from

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

Oldest US stock exchange and largest in the world in terms of dollar volume and second largest in number of companies listed, founded in 1792 and located on the Wall Street in New York City. Although its daily share volume (now over $3 billion) is less than that of NASDAQ since the 1990's, its total market capitalization is 5 times that of NASDAQ. About 2300 firms listed on NYSE include the largest US and non-US corporations with total market market capitalization of about 21 trillion. The NYSE-Composite index topped 9000 on December 4, 2006. Called also The Big Board.

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6 Top-Selling Business Books That Will Spark Your Creativity and Motivation | The Atlanta Post

6 Top-Selling Business Books That Will Spark Your Creativity and Motivation The Atlanta Post

I have read "Good To Great" courtesy of my employer and it has great motivating stories and parables to help and guide you in your own personal journey. I will be picking up a couple of the other books that are on this list and give you guys some feedback or if you guys decide to pick one of these books up; stop by and give me some feedback on what you thought.

Song of the Day... Ledisi - In the Morning / Alright

Term of the Day from

Commingled Fun

1. A mutual fund that includes assets from several accounts, pooled together, to reduce management and administration costs; here also called pooled fund.

2.Money from customer account securities which have been merged with those in a bank or brokerage's own accounts; usually illegal.

Copyright 2010 WebFinance Inc. All Rights Reserved.

"International Jugador"

I see YOU differently.
No I do not Speak another language but I UNDERSTOOD Exactly.

When YOU are Somewhere else YOU are YOURSELF
But when YOU are Here, Oh how Nice YOU Appear

Everyone Here sees YOU one way
What YOU show and what you say

YOU say its just a Character that You play when YOU are there
But I see it as a Snare (Enter If You DARE...)

Yeah I agree; sometimes I see too much
But Lastnight... Somewhere else... I seen just Enough

Sometimes I feel sorry for Mrs. Jugador
She has to know that YOU are a Whore

SHE is Not a dumb girl SHE Will find a Clue
And when SHE do SHE will definitely find YOU...

No Im Not mad because I Played my part
But I bow out so YOU are the sole reason for breaking HER heart

I must admit I was attracted to your Mind & thats what got me to that spot
Once I realized It was not about how much YOU had & how much I did not

I thought about how YOU PLAY the Ones who Look just like YOU
But go Home to a situation that I see as totally Tabu

I know YOU did not expect me to go this Deep
But I just want to make it Perfectly Clear that Im Not the Prey YOU seek

Do Not worry nobody knows but YOU & I
I just wanted this to be my Last Good-Bye

P.S.  All Subliminal Messages Intended

My Natural Hair Products

Term of the Day from

Prime Broker

A broker which acts as settlement agent, provides custody for assets, provides financing for leverage, and prepares daily account statements for its clients, who are money managers, hedge funds, market makers, arbitrageurs, specialists and other professional investors.

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Term of the Day from

Feasibility Study

Analysis and evaluation of a proposed project to determine if it (1) is technically feasible, (2) is feasible within the estimated cost, and (3) will be profitable. Feasibility studies are almost always conducted where large sums are at stake. Also called feasibility analysis. See also cost benefit analysis.

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The Song of the Day... "Kelly Price For every mountain For This I Give You Praise"

My Natural Hair Journey

I have been receiving Alot of questions and compliments on and about my hair. As you know I have been transitioning for about 8 1/2 mos but only two months without braids or weaves. I want to start first by saying, I am not a Natural Hair Expert; so what works for me may or may not work for you. I have really been doing my homework on this(& so should you if you are planning to go Natural) because I have been wearing perms longer than I have been wearing my own real natural hair. Every night I watch natural hair videos and tutorials on YouTube. These videos have really helped alot with different styles that I am currently wearing to work, with keeping my hair healthy during the transition process, and staying strong and positive during this process because if you are not ready you will easily go back to the "Creamy Crack" AKA PERM. I currently use Garnier Fructis "Wonder Waves" shampoo and Garnier Fructis "Triple Nutriton" with Olive, Avocado, & Shea conditioner.Sometime I use 100% Black Soap. I wash my hair at least once a week (Normally on the weekends). After I wash & condition my hair I either twist it in two stran twists or braid it in about six big breads going back. When I do my twist or braids I use the 100% Natural African Shea Butter on my Wet hair (I Do Not Blow Dry) unless I want a BIG Fro. The LESS Heat the Better. And that is basically it...

If you are planning on going natural; one thing I can say is be prepared MENTALLY for this journey. If you are not going to do the "BC" The Big Chop; which is cutting your hair all the way down to the new growth so that there is no more perm left' you may experience some breakage where the natural hair and the perm meet. Make sure that you keep your hair conditioned and try to trim it up every time you wash it until you cut out all of the perm. The transition process is very time consumming and you have to stay up on it to keep from looking like a WILD person. You will also get alot of questions and stares; not because you look crazy, but because people are actually curious. Also just realize that it is Hair and not who you are as a person. If you can get pass "Having Long STRAIGHT Hair is the ONLYway to look BEAUTIFUL" out of your Mind than you can do it. I am not saying that I would NEVER go back to wearing weaves again but I will NEVER get another perm because I have learned that I can get my natural hair just as straight without chemicals (YEAH) and I can get some of the same styles that I had when I had a perm.

Well that is all I really have on My Natural Hair Journey & I will be posting some pics later to my page on my progress. Below I have posted a link by BlackOnyx77 one of the videos that I have watched to keep me motivated during my transition. Hope this was helpful... Smooches ;)

Song of the Day... (Double Play) "THERE'S HOPE"

Song of the Day... "Musiq - Whoknows"

The Power To Prosper... Michelle Singletary: The Financial Fast -

Term of the Day from

Risk Margin

A value that takes into account the potential movement of a stock in relation to its option position. A more volatile investment would have a higher risk margin, since the potential for large swings in price is greater than that of a more stable investment.Premium margin and risk margin are the two components comprising the margin requirement.

Copyright 2010 WebFinance Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Some Morning Inspiration... Inspired by my Very First Follower Wendie

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.          
Marianne Williamson          

Also checkout my YouTube Chanel (anwdds)... "Just Saying Hello" Video

This Weeks Book Suggestion "The Procrastinator's Handbook" by Rita Emmett

If You Are A Natural in the ATL... "The Damn Salon" Is HOT...

Song of the Day (Double Play)... "India.Arie - Little Things"

The Song of the Day... "India.Arie - The Truth"

Natural Hair Inspiration Pics

Term of the Day from

Marketing Plan

Product specific, market specific, or company-wide plan that describes activities involved in achieving specific marketing objectives within a set timeframe. A market plan begins with the identification (through market research) of specific customer needs and how the firm intends to fulfill them while generating an acceptable level of return. It generally includes analysis of the current market situation (opportunities and trends) and detailed action programs, budgets, sales forecasts, strategies, and projected (proforma) financial statements. See also marketing strategy.

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Go VOTE!!!

Good Morning Bloggers! Today is one of the most important days of the year. Please go out and VOTE in your local polls. There should be NO Excuse for Not VOTING today (NONE). You can stand in line to PAY for that must have outfit to wear to your Favorite Night Club that you will also Stand in Line to PAY to get in...VOTING is FREE and YOUR Right as an American Citizen.

Term of the Day from

Alternative Minimum Tax

AMT. An IRS mechanism created to ensure that high-income individuals, corporations, trusts, and estates pay at least some minimum amount of tax, regardless of deductions, credits or exemptions. It operates by adding certain tax-preference items back into adjusted gross income. While it was once only important for a small number of high-income individuals who made extensive use of tax shelters and deductions, more and more people are being affected by it. The AMT is triggered when there are large numbers of personal exemptions on state and local taxes paid, large numbers of miscellaneous itemized deductions or medical expenses, or by Incentive Stock Option (ISO) plans.

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